A toolkit for music practitioners working with deaf students
Kathryn Mason
Tiziana Pozzo
Phoebe Osborne
This toolkit is a free resource for music practitioners and teachers working with deaf children. It has been designed as part of Creative Futures’ ongoing project ‘Sounding Out’ funded principally by the National Foundation for Youth Music, which has involved working with deaf children in both primary and secondary schools. The toolkit is primarily aimed at children aged 4-11 years, but many of the activities may also be suitable for teachers working with older deaf children.
Through this toolkit, we hope to inspire music practitioners and teachers to be bold in their music delivery with deaf children, and to ensure that deaf children have as much access to music and music-making as other children and young people.
"Our data suggests that the Sounding Out programme has been a success musically, with clear evidence of virtually all pupils achieving more advanced musical behaviours as their academic year progressed. This is very commendable and provides a solid evidential foundation from which to argue that all deaf pupils should have access to appropriate music education provision, whether in Primary or Secondary schools to support learning in and through music."
(Professor Graham Welch & Dr Jo Saunders, UCL Institute of Education, 2018)
If you would be interested in receiving any training or professional development linked to this toolkit, in order to support you or your staff in the delivery of music-making for deaf children, please contact us and we will be happy to discuss a bespoke training package for you.

Music with Deaf Students
Warm-up activity
Foundation activity
Main activity
What is the communication style?
Minimal language
Visual aids
Areas of learning
Relationship between movement & language
Executive functions
Proprioception & motor skills
Things to consider
Duration of the activity
Using instruments

We’d love to know what you think of this resource so please do tell us in the comments →