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Artists and Researchers

Nicola Burke
Nicola has a Master’s Degree in Early Childhood Music Studies from the Centre for Research in Early Childhood (CREC), England. She is an Associate of Early Education and works closely with MERYC, England (Music Educators and Researchers of Young Children).
Nicola leads Tri-Music Together, a large workforce development project taking place across West London involving a range of arts and music organisations and EY services. Nicola was a co-author on The Guide to Music for 0-3 Years, created the award-winning Tune into Listening free online resource and has also been published in Early Childhood sector magazines Teach Early Years and Nursery World. Nicola is the author of Musical Development Matters, a guidance that has been written to complement Development Matters; freely available from Early Education: https://www.early-education.org.uk/musical-development-matters