"I feel safe in the group, it's a warm and non-judgemental community where all the mums are in the same position. It's chill, you don't even have to sing, it's just a nice place to be with your baby."

Music at Heart is an hour per week intended for you as a mother to rest and be with your baby in a peaceful space with other mums, with music going on around you. Using simple songs from all over the world and many different genres, musicians and mothers sing and play together on chimes, singing bowls and gathering drum, to create a supportive atmosphere for themselves and each other. You are welcome to join however you like, to listen and care for your baby while the harmonies flow around you, or to join your voice with ours if you want to. The group is a safe community where everyone is a patient from the perinatal mental health department, and our focus is on caring for and with the women through music, rather than entertaining the babies. We do find babies love the peaceful atmosphere though and hopefully sleep well afterwards!
Below you can listen to the music leaders singing some of the songs we sing together:
L-R: Ayozie Pollendine, Penny Osmond, Ellie Rashid - three of our music leaders who, together with Zoë Palmer and Julie Isaac, hold the sessions.
"You can tell the songs have been carefully chosen to celebrate the mother, and through repeating the songs I feel proud of myself and my mothering - it's been therapeutic without me knowing it!"
Click here for the Songbook
Click here for the participant area of the site​
Click here for the Pilot Report