Sound & Symbol
Sound & Symbol
Sound & Symbol is a project for early years settings, designed to support learning and provision in music, communication, language, and emergent literacy. The project is rooted in research and practice, and builds on a successful small-scale trial in 2021-22. It is delivered by our specialist early years music practitioners in collaboration with researchers from the UCL Institute of Education. Our music practitioners visited nurseries in East London, working alongside children and adults to explore possibilities for practice with music and stories. Aiming to embed practice across the day and across the setting, our approach included working with child-initiated play, provocations in the environment and group activities and with story books, singing, instruments and sound-makers, movement and mark-making.
“We have seen such huge changes in the children's language and development and that is all thanks to the music sessions you have taught us. We have received such positive feedback from parents also”. (EYP, Setting F)
Click here to read our latest outcome report

Thanks to The Garfield Weston and Youth Music for supporting and funding our 2021-22 project.